Selfish Suicide

This poem is for all those people who has suicidal live life again!

Emotions running down dry on you,
Feeling painful, living seems to be in vain.
You feel, the pain, is really unbearable,
To let the God know to take you soon.
You were the one who used to cry,
Whenever the news of death reached to you.
My question to you is very honest,
Why you have to take your own life?
When others taken away unwillingly each day.
Who gave you that right?
Was it your wife, husband or children ?
Your parents, in-laws or Cousins?
Your friends, neighbors or teachers?
No, it was not the case upfront.
However, these people have one thing
In common, they would Miss You!
Don't leave rest of us here and go,
Which is not a fair call at all.
Get help, or Pray, whatever you need,
We will do and Guide you.
But, please please don't leave us,
Whatever you do in despair.
Kick out the Self-ish Suicidal thoughts,
For the bright positive life ahead of times.

                                                               🌹Raghu Veer🎀

I Like to love you forever

I like to love you forever,
When you disappear,
Until you Re-appear to be with me
Forever, Forever and Forever.

I like to turn you into soothing sound.
Conjure you out of blissful Thin Air,
So that you don't disappear from me.

I like to dress you in lyrical music,
With memory sketched in you,
As if music was just a passing showers
With every notes etched out like flowers.

I like to paint you with the engrossed colour,
So true to heart and mind to follow,
As every art sketched like an outline,
Will be etched in my heart like a Lifeline.

Lastly I like you to hear my Whispers,
With every emotions play out in Whiskers,
So that you will always be mine
At Present
As Present
With Present.

                                                             🌹Raghu Veer🎀

Irony of Present Life

Few questions keep me perplexed,
What to do and What not to do?
Where to go and How to go?
How to live and When to Love?
Which is Good and Why it's Good?
For, the Invisible culprit is roaming around.
The Atmosphere is so clean and filtered,
But still we are mandate on wearing Masks.
Roads are completely no traffic zones,
Yet it is highly impossible to commute safely.
People are clean in hands since decades,
Yet no one is shaking hands freely.
The cooking fire in you is eager to erupt,
But you can't invite anyone to Savour it.
People have hell lot of time to sit together,
Yet they cannot have a get together.
Every week day the heart longs to go out,
But weekend never seems to end.
The Rich and Wealthy have enough money,
But they don't have any means to Spend it.
The Poor don't have enough money,
But they don't have means to Earn it.
The Elderly and Kids needs utmost care,
But hugging and kissing is beyond reach.

The Life itself is an Irony, the Corona way..
Be Positive always but test Negative!!

                                                              🌹Raghu Veer🎀