The super power

 The Super Power sustaining life on the Earth

Rapid Task Force saving the Drowning
Heavy Rains in times of Drought
Water quenching the Thirst
Fire lighting up the Dark
Oasis in Bare Desert
Luck at Bad Times
Self Enlightening
Ray of Hope
The power
Resides in
Nature's Beauty
Responsible Citizens
Hands open for Orphans
Shelters shared with the Poor
Peace mission to end the Warfare
Free education for uplifting Child Labor
Relief welfare funds for natural disasters
Soul bringing back positivity among others
Consoling Words Healing the Depress Minds.

🌹Raghu Veer🎀

Think Thank

 What else can you think of?

When you go out on a monsoon day,
Feel the raindrops pour into the skin,
Drenching every pores of your face,
Stimulating below zero degree sensations.

What else can you think of?
When you stand on exotic beach,
Feeling the cold waves of ocean,
Gentle whisper of wind drifting besides,
Burning sun penetrating depth of your Skin.

What else can you think of?
When you grab a pen and sit down with paper,
Hands brushing the pages reluctantly,
The pen releasing the ink helplessly,
Draining fluids like blood, water and poison.

What else can you think of?
When you read this poem end to end,
Your eyes feeling tired and hurt,
Whether you laughing, crying and emotional,
When you find the depths of this poetry.

🖋🌹Raghu Veer🎀